Money Matters (feat. Melody Johnson)

Evann sits down with Certified Financial Instructor Melody Johnson to talk about everyone’s (least) favorite topic: money! In this episode, Melody gets transparent about her past relationship with money and gives insight on how she was able to turn things around. In 2018, Melody paid off over $72,500 in debt, which has allowed her to do more of what she loves, such as traveling. Melody created a platform,, to provide resources and tips to help women build up their confidence around their finances.

Melody drops quite a few gems, so get your pens and paper ready!

Be sure to follow Melody on social @herdesignedlife and check out her website at

Melody mentioned a few books and free resources on her website that will help others become financially free. Check out the list below:

Free resources


Money Matters (feat. Melody Johnson)
Evann Webb