What I've Been Up To
Striking a pose on the red carpet at the 2016 Michigan Fashion Summit.
I know I've been gone for a while, but I've been doing some pretty cool things in the process. From January to April, I was working as the intern for Michigan Fashion Week's first Fashion Summit which was held on April 16th at the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education. I was responsible for keeping the Michigan Fashion Week Twitter account updated, and helping out with other promotional tasks.
For those that didn't hear about the event, here's a little background info: The Michigan Fashion Summit was a one-day conference full of 14 unique workshops that centered around fashion design, styling, makeup artistry, blogging and entrepreneurship. The workshops were led by industry professionals like lifestyle blogger Mia Ray of "Confessions of A Glam-Aholic", Project Runway Season 13 contestant Char Glover, wardrobe stylist Marv Neal, and runway coach Jeremy Cornelius. Guests were able to create a unique learning track for themselves by picking and choosing which workshops they wanted to attend.
Even though I was running around in heels for half the day, I had so much fun helping out with the event, and I'm grateful that I was able to be a part of something so special and groundbreaking for Detroit's fashion scene.
Michigan Fashion Summit essentials.
Now I'm sure some of you are wondering, "Why'd you wait so long to do a post on this amaaaazing event?!" But the truth is, I didn't! I just started as the new lead blogger for Detroit Fashion News, and I wrote up a review here. I would love it if you guys would share the post on your social media outlets, leave comments, or even just spread the word about it.
With Detroit Fashion News, I'll be posting about twice a month on different fashion events going on in the metro area, as well as general industry updates. I'm still going to be sharing my personal endeavors with you guys on here (and I promise I'll be better with the consistency), but DFN is just another outlet where I can let my voice be heard!
Lastly, I'm going to be doing some summer work with After 5 Detroit. Clearly I like to keep myself busy! I'm beyond excited to get down to business, and even more thankful that I've been blessed with these opportunities.
As always, thank you guys for reading! Please, please, please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see (more of) on the blog. I'm always trying to improve and make Damsel in Detroit as enjoyable for you as it is for me. So again, thank you...especially if you made it until the end of this post!
Outfit Details:
Blazer: Thrifted (link is to an alternative) // Jeans: Madewell
Heels: Crown Vintage